You've stumbled upon my website dedicated mainlyto my writing and other projects. Although its wasn't my day job, for almost 20 years I wrote a weekly comment column for the Calgary Sun, Toronto Sun, London Free Press, and National Post. Until its demise I was a frequent "pundit" appearing on the Sun News Network, although I had no political affiliation. As a progressive moderate I like to think I was their "voice of reason". I also have written freelance articles for several magazines like Canadian Lawyer Magazine and other publications.

I also partner with Steven Kerzner (Ed the Sock's human alter ego) doing a weekly podcast on Canadian current events. It started during the 2015 federal election, and it remains very popular on the FUN Network. It has been weekly for the past few years.
I've archived some of my columns on my much neglected blog here: Stephen's Parking Space. Where are the rest of the columns? Glad you asked. Let me direct your attention to the book on the right. If you write long enough eventually you have enough material for a book. A Chip Off The Old Writer's Block is a collection of almost 100 of my best columns (okay, maybe not best, but some of them are pretty good) and is available as an eBook. That's right - technology baby. It is also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and While you're at it, check out my World War II thriller novel, The Last Blitzkrieg.

I'm currently working on other writing, freelance editing, and also do some public speaking and commentary on law, the Charter and constitutional matters.
In 2023 I was appointed by the Austrian government to be their Hon. Vice-Consul for Ontario, a diplomatic posting to assist the ambassador and Austrian Trade Commission in providing consular services to Austrian nationals here, as well as promoting intenational trade and culture.

On this website you'll also find a short tribute to my late father, Toronto Star columnist Gary Lautens who passed away almost 30 years ago now. There's also a short biography and two of his favourite columns reproduced here. Look for his columns in "Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul", "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Treasury", "Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul", and "Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul". (That's a lot of Chicken Soup.)
Speaking of which, my own stories have appeared in various Chicken Soup for the Soul books - 4 so far. One of my stories appeared in "Chicken Soup for the Father & Son Soul" (May, 2008). Pretty appropriate, eh? I've already cashed my cheque and blown it on a tank of gas, so I'm not getting rich on sales, but I do like the article (page 252 - thanks for asking).
Another story of mine appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul - O Canada, The Wonders of Winter,in 2013 and again in 2014 in Chicken Soup for the Soul - Christmas in Canada, and 2015's Chicken Soup for the Soul - Hope & Miracles available in better bookstores, airports and book clubs all over the western hemisphere.